Welcome to Veqta
About Us
Veqta is a PAYE Umbrella solution provider backed by years of experience in payroll.
We employ temporary agency workers and enable them to carry out a number of assignments with agencies and end clients.
For a flat weekly margin, we will take care of all your payroll and admin needs, leaving you with more time to focus on your work.
Once you have signed up, you will become an employee of Veqta. You will have an employment contract and all the benefits of permanent employment.
Simple sign up
Short Personal Information Form. It will take you only a couple of minutes.
Minimal admin
No one likes admin, so let us help you through it step-by-step.
Employee benefits
As a contractor, you will receive all the normal benefits of a full-time employee.
No tie-in
No tie-ins and complicated contracts to sign. Transparent and open at all times, so if it's not right for you, we will even help you move on.
No joining/leaving fees
Zero joining or leaving fees - as it should be!
Efficient payroll
We run 3 payrolls a day, so even you if your agency pays us at 4pm, as long as the funds are received in our account, you will get paid the same day.
Excellent value
Flat, competitive, transparent umbrella margin.